About M Witt McCarty

M Witt McCarty black & white photo in an ornate frame | MWittMcCarty.com
M Witt McCarty . writer of murder mysteries | mwittmccarty.com

M Witt McCarty is an artist and a vinotourist who loves a great mystery. She lives in the Texas Hill Country with her husband, three nearly grown children, two spoiled poodles and some backyard chickens she keeps outfitted in hand-knitted sweaters.

~from AZURE Death in the Texas Hill Country Book Jacket blurb


I love a great mystery!


When I say that, that “I love a great mystery”, what I mean is I love solving a great mystery.

Don’t you?

I’m not talking about seeking a missing sock or trying to remember where I parked my car. I’m referring to the palatable giddiness of unraveling a conundrum or deciphering an enigma; especially if the stumper’s got an interesting cover and an ISBN.

My passion for murder mysteries began in high school when I read my first Agatha Christi novel, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd.

Since then I’ve read hundreds of mysteries. In most every sub-genre.

When the time came to tell Maeve Clarke’s story, to show not all artists are suitable for framing, a cozy murder mystery series, with a hint of romance, appeared as my best and only choice.

I hope you enjoy the books!

M | MWittMcCarty.com

 M Witt McCarty
Camp Verde, Texas

You can reach me at mwittmccarty at gmail dot com.


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